Today marks our first month of being a channel, podcast, show, thing, whatever. Thought it would be a good time to take stock of some accomplishments. Not a bad list for just a month!
- 17 videos
- 64 followers on YouTube+Facebook
- 20 registered members/contributors
- 10 Articles
- Multiple 1st-page rankings on Google
- 1 national anthem sung by Stan Way
- and over 1500 views on YouTube and Facebook!!
That last one is good news because it’s well over the 500 mark required for Stan Way to have to sing “God Defend New Zealand“. He was a man of his word, singing “Oh Canada“, after we reached 15 views of our first episode (which we past while live alone), and 500 was the requirement for this next task.
Tune in next week for that and a very cool guest and Chatbot mastermind Rutger Thole!