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OK BOYS! Pull up a chair.

You need to step up your game.

No, this is not an an article about how men interact with women in or outside the workplace. I trust the majority of you are respectful of others, appreciate the value of diversity, and that you cherish and support the women in your lives.


A quick audit of my LinkedIn news feed as I write this reveals what I regard to be fairly common: Women have out-posted Men 8:5 and are getting roughly 10% more engagement.

Over the past several years I’ve seen a huge rise in female entrepreneurship and women-for-women startups and organizations. I’ve also seen occasional posts or comments from men complaining about this trend or questioning why they are necessary.

The answer is, maybe they’re not, but they ARE helping women thrive while you watch dumbfounded. So for starters, you need to stop your moaning and groaning about it. Seriously, stop being such a wimp!

Take a seat at the table when it’s offered to you (and maybe get back to offering your seat to a woman on the subway while you’re at it, but I digress).

Just as I trust the majority of men to respect, support and cherish the women in their lives, I trust the majority of women afford the same for the men in theirs. So for those of you who aren’t whining about it, but rather desperately trying to appear apologetic for your maleness or showing-off how supportive and ‘woke’ you are; you need to stop that too! That’s not attractive to anyone… is it?

I didn’t ask to be nominated as a “Power Partner” for the 2019 Women of Inspiration Awards, nor would I say I did anything targeted to, or even for women to deserve it. I’m not sure why I was nominated to be honest, but with a Podcast called “Ballz In Your Face Marketing“, I doubt my “political correctness score was the factor.

… So if I were a betting man, my money would be on simply having sat down at the table to speak with a diverse group of people about a diverse range of subjects that impact our lives and businesses. And I’ve tried to do so in a voice that felt true to me. That’s it.

And let’s be clear about one other thing; they didn’t have to include an awards category for men or even include men as part of their organization in the first place. We in Canada (as in many parts of the world) enjoy the right to free association. So I commend Monica Kretschmer and the Business Chicks of Canada for their active invitation to men to take a seat at the table!

On October 9th my wife and I will be at the 2019 Woman of Inspiration Awards Gala in Toronto and dude, I’d love to see you there!

You can buy tickets here: 2019

And!! Fellow “Power Partner” nominee and podcast host of Screw The Naysayers (another cheeky Canadian host) asked me to moderate a panel discussion called “Master Your Digital Reputation” the night before at HartHouse UofT. You can learn more and find tickets to that here:

October 8:

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